Tips For Managing Trade Show Freight Logistics

Trade shows are exciting promotional and networking opportunities for your industry. These events are held in convention centers nationally, with 252 conventions having occurred as of October 2016. California and Florida have the most, with 20 locations each, and Nevada has 19.

While the core purpose of managing a trade show may be clear, the actual logistics can be tricky. To safely and efficiently move the show from place to place, it's important to carefully coordinate your trade show shipment. Since trade show freight is highly specialized, it's important to move it correctly. These simple tips will help you manage your trade show logistics for successful transportation.

Delegate when possible
If you are in charge of shipping logistics, remember that you don't have to handle it all yourself. Form a team that is in charge of shipping and delegate certain tasks to them. This way, you can have multiple eyes on all shipping details throughout the trade show.

Provide detailed shipping instructions
Your shipping company will ask you for instructions, but be sure not to rush these. Start early and take the time to be as detailed as possible. This way, you can catch mistakes early and ensure top efficiency.

Hire an experienced Logistics and Supply Chain 3PL.
A 3PL with experience with trade shows should manage your trade show shipments.

Check insurance coverage
Even if you take as much preparation as possible, accidents do happen. This is why you should ensure that your insurance coverage and the insurance of your specialty freight company can cover any incidents. With this coverage, you can recover from any accidents.

Keep careful inventory
Your shipping company can likely help you with this, but be sure to keep careful track of all of the items being moved. This way, you can spot when something gets lost or damaged and replace it promptly.

By taking the time to prioritize your trade show freight, you can ensure that you move from show locations with little incident. And when any hiccups do happen, simply learn from your mistakes. With the right shipping company on your side and a high level of organization, you can improve your logistics every year.

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