Faster, Safer, Smarter: How GPS Benefits the Transportation Industry

Nearly 12 million trucks, rail cars, locomotives, and vessels move goods over the transportation network.

Perhaps without realizing it, most consumers today rely on recent advancements in the logistics industry to maintain their current way of life. Thanks to innovative developments in GPS technology, shipping speeds are faster than ever, while shipping costs remain relatively low. This efficiency impacts online shopping, pharmaceutical deliveries, produce freshness, and much, much more.

Though we may think of GPS software as a purely navigational tool, in the transportation industry, these technologies have far greater functionality. More than a fancy map, GPS services are what keep the truckload logistics industry organized and optimized for on-time deliveries.

Here are just a few ways recent developments in GPS technology have changed the truckload shipping industry for the better:

Better Cost/Benefit Analysis for Managers

Many GPS tracking services offer more than navigation and location tracking services-- for example, software might also track fuel use and vehicle maintenance needs. Having this information available at the touch of a button allows managers to reduce additional costs due to fuel waste or unnecessary wear and tear on company vehicles. Tracking software also helps limit administrative duties and paperwork. Thanks to this technology, managers can cut extraneous costs, which helps reduce truckload shipping rates overall.

Faster-Than-Ever Expedited Trucking

Expedited shipping services offer some of the fastest delivery options available, making it possible to transport packages hundreds of miles in mere hours. Expedited trucking usually involves less-than-truckload shipments, meaning that the trailer is not completely full when it makes its journey. Expedited trucking services are also faster than other types because the truck does not stop en route to make other drop-offs-- instead, the truck goes directly from the warehouse to the delivery location.

Though this process is fast, it is not always affordable. Trucking companies have to charge higher rates for hauling trailers that aren't full to capacity. However, thanks to GPS tracking and logistics software, expedited shipping is becoming more affordable. With greater data management capabilities, shipping companies can more quickly calculate efficient loads and deliveries. With faster business decision processes, products can spend less time in the warehouse, and more time on the road.

Improved Driver Safety

Finally, GPS tracking software allows managers to monitor driver behavior. For example, advanced GPS systems have speed-tracking features. Whenever a driver exceeds the posted speed limit in their area, the system notifies that driver's supervisor, who can then take action. By reminding both the driver and the manager to uphold speed laws, motorists around the country can enjoy greater safety on highways. Additionally, speed tracking helps companies reduce costs incurred from accidents and tickets, which also helps lower shipping rates.

Nearly 12 million trucks, rail cars, locomotives, and vessels move goods over the transportation network. GPS services have transformed the way these vessels move to create more organized and more efficient deliveries all over the U.S., and all over the world. Though shipping companies profit from GPS services, consumers and manufacturers alike also significantly benefit from the faster, safer, and more affordable shipping processes GPS technology creates.

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