Improving Your Company’s International Shipping Processes

A proven way of improving your sales is to constantly expand into new markets. One market that is often untapped is the international community. Knowing how to successfully navigate the intricacies of shipping worldwide can help separate your business from the competition.

Here are four tips for improving your company’s international shipping process:

Remember the Documentation

A major cause of delays during international shipping occurs due to paperwork that is forgotten, incomplete, or inaccurate. This is especially troublesome when errors occur on the Bill of Lading. All of these issues can be controlled and prevented by educating your employees.

Creating a single department that manages shipping allows you to cut down on a large part of the errors that plague delivery. They would be responsible for being familiar with the customs clearance process and what it takes to get parcels into each country where you ship your product.

Forge Relationships

The cost of shipping is always going to be high, so anything you can do to reduce the cost will help your business. A good way to lower costs is to forge stronger relationships with your shipping company. Having these relationships allows the shipping company to know that you will be reliable with your shipments and that they can count on your business.

Manage Customer Expectations

Without your customers, there would be no product to sell. Your customers are the backbone of your business, so treat them with the transparency and respect they deserve. Let your buyers know when the product they ordered will arrive. If there are delays in the process, you should be honest and let your customers know. Finally, solicit customer reviews for the process to find additional possible methods of improvement.

Prepare Contingencies

The last tip for improving your company’s international shipping process is to prepare for emergencies. Having a strategy in place can prevent rushed decisions and the errors that occur as a result. Put a backup plan in place to cover things such as delayed shipments, natural disasters, damage to the product, or any number of other things. This can improve customer service while preserving a united front on how to respond to emergencies.

If you are looking for help with your international shipping, the professionals at Diversified Transportation Services is here to help. Our shipping and logistics company can help transform your organization from a regional business to an international player in no time.

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