6 Tips to Help You Choose the Right FTL Freight Carrier

The selection of an FTL freight partner may have a lasting impact on the operations of your business. The implications go beyond the normal day-to-day activities, affecting your brand’s outreach and reputation. It is, therefore, necessary to take time and evaluate all available options. In that way, you are able to choose a truckload freight carrier that can fulfill your needs. With the industry making returns of $1.8 trillion in 2018, more and more companies are cropping up to have a piece of the pie.

Navigating Logistics: Key Considerations for Choosing Your FTL Freight Partner

Here are six factors to consider when choosing your logistics company.

1. Experience and Expertise

A deep understanding of the FTL shipping industry is essential for a freight carrier to navigate current market trends effectively. Transitioning from this, it becomes crucial to assess the company's tenure in the field. With years of experience, a seasoned truckload carrier possesses comprehensive insights into market dynamics, disruptive technologies, and industry standards. It is equally important to ensure that the chosen company exhibits stability to weather economic fluctuations and market changes seamlessly. Thus, opting for an experienced freighter to manage your shipping needs can help prevent potential logistical challenges from arising.

2. Services Offered

Before heading out for a frantic search for your freighting partner, make sure you understand your specific logistical needs. The three most valuable commodities moved by the U.S. freight transportation system are machinery, electronics, and motorized vehicles. Does your business require FTL in transportation? Can the company you have selected handle all your needs, or will you require multiple truckload carriers? Compare the portfolio of your preferred company with other truckers within the region. It may be beneficial to partner with a truckload freight firm that offers multiple services on its platform.

3. Reliability

A prospective shipping service provider must be competent in the delivery of their service. With the industry gravitating more toward Freight as a Service (FaaS), most companies build their brand over assurance of quality service delivery. Your business success may depend on the timely arrival of your freight through your chosen trucker. Double-check the ability of the logistics company to adapt to your growing demands. An unreliable carrier only results in increased operational costs through late or spoiled loads.

4. Convenience

Does the carrier offer high levels of service and competitive truckload freight rates? Convenience within the business setup comes through cost, time, and quality service. Pricing is an essential determining factor when choosing a carrier to ship your freight. However, there are two additional items to tick off the checklist: quality and delivery time. Looking for the lowest truckload shipping rates may not always guarantee quality service as you get what you pay for. Keeping these three factors in mind may help you narrow down your options for a freight service convenient for your supply chain needs.

5. Capacity

A business is only as strong as its operational networks. The freighter should have a sizable fleet of trucks to move your materials. Does the company have enough storage space and warehouses to accommodate your shipping needs? Additionally, the chosen logistics partner should also factor in your growth potential. They should have the capacity to manage your expansion into new markets and the growth of your supply chains.

6. Customer Service

A shipping partner’s communication channels can have a significant impact on the delivery of services. You should endeavor to work with a team that is accessible and one that offers regular updates.

You can find out more about the company’s reputation from its customers, suppliers, and employees. You can easily manage this through online reviews from their websites.

Contact Us Today!

Finding the right truckload freight company can be a daunting task. Luckily, these six tips can serve as a guide that will help you choose the right strategic partner.

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